Generous Donations Support Our Program!
We excel at bringing magic to the stage through the generous donations and financial support of local businesses, corporations, and individuals. Providing funds necessary to put on our shows, support our students, and make opportunities possible, we cannot thank our donors enough.These funds make events happen, keep ticket prices low, and allow us to purchase materials for our students to create sets, costumes, and props.
LHS Theatre is designed to teach our students all aspects of the theatre (in front and behind the stage) while giving them hands-on experiences. This education will help students choose their career paths, learn skills for other jobs, and provide unforgettable experiences they can draw on for a lifetime. We aim to make these opportunities available to all students, regardless of their family financial situation. The generous donations from our community make this possible by eliminating the need for show fees, lowering the costs of events like the annual Texas Thespians Festival, and providing scholarship opportunities for our seniors.
Please consider joining us financially to provide our students and community with a unique and award-winning program.
Corporate Sponsors:

Event Sponsors:

Spirit Night Sponsors: