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Booster Program Board 2024–2025

President: Sean McIntyre

Vice President: *Open Position*

Secretary: Shannon Williams

Treasurer: Matt Turner

Publicity/Communications Coordinator: Amelia Palmer

Engagement Coordinator: *Open Position*

Volunteer Coordinator: Karl Flusche

Fundraising Coordinator: Jennifer Whitaker

Concessions/Hospitality Coordinators: Terri Domenech & Beverly Young

Are you interested in serving on the Booster Program Board? Contact us for more details or general information about LHS Theatre Boosters at:

Curious about our Open Positions? You can even work with a friend to share a position.


Vice President: Are you seeking a role with diverse responsibilities? This position offers flexibility and variety, supporting the President and board as needed. Whether you're stepping in for the President, helping with vacant board positions, or assisting other board members, you'll be ready to lend a hand.


Engagement Coordinator: Do you have good ideas for fun ways to get to know people? We need someone to plan adult activities or meetings to help our parents and volunteers to get to know each other. We will all work together to plan the events, just need ideas and logistics.

Booster Program Meetings

Several meetings and gatherings are offered and held by the Booster Program Board. All meetings and events are open to the public, and anyone can attend.

Minutes from Board and General meetings are available.

Booster Program Board Meetings

LHS Theatre Booster Board meets with the Theatre Directors on the 1st Tuesday of each month in the LHS Main Green Room at 6 p.m. Anyone is welcome to come and listen, but business will be conducted by the board and directors. When necessary, these meetings may change due to holidays or performance practice schedules. All meetings will be posted and announced in our newsletter.

Booster Board Meeting: First Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at LHS Main,
check the Calendar to confirm.
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Booster Program General Meetings

General Booster Meetings will happen throughout the year with advance notice. These meetings will discuss volunteer opportunities, needs for upcoming events, and information that needs to be voted on to implement.
A notice will be posted on the homepage with details, and meetings will be mentioned in the Booster email. Anyone can attend.

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